Email: rafiqul.eng@rpsu.edu.bd | Extension: 141 | Cell: 01789488388
Rafiqul Islam, lecturer in the Department of English at R. P. Shaha University, Narayanganj-1400, carried out his BA (Honors) in English language and literature and MA in English literature and cultural studies at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University, Gopalganj-8100. He ranked first, both in BA and MA, in the Department as well as in the entire Humanities Faculty. With a strong enthusiasm for extracurricular activities, he possesses extensive experience in leadership roles, having served as both General Secretary and President of the i+1 English Speaker’s Club at BSMRSTU. His skill set includes excellent organizational and communication abilities, a compelling presentation style, superior analytical acumen, and outstanding management and leadership capabilities. His research interests lie in postcolonialism, psychoanalysis, gender studies, and cultural studies. His fundamental expertise is in teaching English language and literature.
Department of English
Sep 2023 - Present
Guest Lecturer
Department of English
May 2022 - Sep 2022
Organization: i+1 English Speaker’s Club, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University
Location: Gopalganj-8100
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University