R. P. Shaha University
Email: rabeyasadia8@gmail.com
Master’s (AI & Computer Engineering)
University of Ulsan
Ulsan (South Korea)
Bachelor of Science (Computer Science and Engineering)
University of Chittagong
Chittagong (Bangladesh)
2021-09-01 to 2023-12-25
Research Assistant
University of Ulsan
Ulsan (South Korea)
2019-09-01 to 2021-10-10
Port City International University
Chittagong (Bangladesh)
Sadia, R., Akter, S. and Yoon, S., 2023. Ellipsoidal Trajectory Optimization for Minimizing Latency and Data Transmission Energy in UAV-Assisted MEC Using Deep Reinforcement Learning. Applied Sciences, 13(22), p.12136 (SCIE indexed)
Sadia, R. and Yoon, S., 2023. 3D Placement Optimization of MEC enabled UAV for Data Transmission with Lower Latency and Energy Consumption. 한국통신학회학술대회논문집 , pp.503-504
Sadia, R., Rahman, M.A. and Seddiqui, M.H., 2019. N-gram statistical stemmer for bangla corpus. arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.11612
Deep RL-based Ellipsoidal Path Planning for MEC enabled UAVs to Minimize Data Transmission Latency and Energy Consumption of Mobile Devices (Master’s Thesis) An optimization problem that finds the center position, major radius, minor radius, and rotation angle of the ellipsoidal trajectory of UAV-assisted MEC servers, to minimize the total transmission latency and energy consumption of mobile devices.
N-gram Statistical Stemmer for Augmented Bangla Corpus (B.Sc Thesis) A stemmer clustered the related sets of words in the documents dependent on their character structure utilizing an affiliation measure named dice coefficient and producing the smallest word as the stem.