
Dr. Sabyasachi Sarker


Email: SABYASACHI_BBA@RPSU.EDU.BD | Extension: 141 | Cell: 01326246898


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Business Administration




Business Administration


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Sabyasachi Sarker was born on November 1, 1991, in Naogaon, Bangladesh. He has 3.6 years of working experience in the corporate field. As a HRD programme officer, he works for the Triangle Consulting Firm. For the past 1.6 years, he has managed administrative duties with recruitment and training programs. He has successfully completed his BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) in 2013 from the American International University—Bangladesh with a major in management. In 2015, he completed his MBA (Masters of Bachelor Administration) at the American International University-Bangladesh with a major in Human Resource Management. As a corporate trading officer, he worked for a renowned company in Bangladesh named Ahsan Group for 2 years. He has successfully managed his corporate trading division, where he has more practical experience in supply chain management. In 2016, he joined for his second MBA (Master Of Bachelor Administration) at the Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies on International Business and Marketing. During his MBA program, he has published a paper on 'Media: A Tool to Achieve a Sustainable Society.' He was selected as a Summer Intern at Bharati Airtel India, where he completed his internship with the research work on customer satisfaction at Airtel. He got the opportunity to do his Ph.D. at the Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies in 2018. During his Ph.D. research, he has published three papers on the supply chain management in Bangladesh livestock industry. He is the one and only son of his beloved family.

Research Interests

  • Supply Chain Management
  • International Trade and Business Management
  • International Business
  • Brand and Digital Marketing

Current Research Works




      Research Works

      • Effective Supply Chain Strategy Through the Customer Focused Leadership In Livestock Industry, main_author: Dr. Sabyasachi Sarker, journal: Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation, ISSN: 2651-4451 | E-ISSN 2651-446x, volume: Vol 32, Issue 3, year: 2021, pages: 36929-36936, indexing: Web Of Science
      • A Review of Literature on The Sustainability of Supply Chain Management in The Bangladesh Livestock Industry, main_author: Dr. Sabyasachi Sarker, journal: Webology, ISSN: 1735-188x, volume: Vol 19, No.3, year: 2022, pages: 2079-2089, indexing: Scopus
      • A Survey of Writing on The Sustainability of Supply Chain Management in The Bangladesh Livestock Industry, main_author: Dr. Sabyasachi Sarker, journal: Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, ISSN: Print - 0976-9234, Online - 2229-7723, volume: Volume 13, Special Issue 8, year: 2022, indexing: Scopus, Web of Science
      • Livestock Supply Chain Management Using Blockchain, main_author: Dr. Sabyasachi Sarker, publisher: CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group) USA, url:

      Professional Experience

      AG Agro Industries LTD.


      Officer Trading

      May 2015 - Aug 2016

      Triangle Consulting Firm


      HRD Program Officer

      June 2013 - Apr 2015

      Awards and Honors

      Academic Qualifications

      • Ph.D in Supply Chain Management

        Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies - INDIA


      • Master of Business Administration (MBA) in International Business & Marketing

        Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies - INDIA


      • Masters of Business Administration (MBA) in Human Resource Management

        American International University Bangladesh (AIUB)


      • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Management

        American International University Bangladesh (AIUB)
