
Dr. Apurba Kumar Barman

Assistant Professor

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Employee ID



Assistant Professor




Life Science & Health






I am Apurba Kumar Barman, currently employed with R. P. Shaha University, Bangladesh as an assistant professor in the Pharmacy Department. As an assistant professor, I have experience developing and reviewing educational programs, teaching practical classes, and giving lectures for various courses. In addition, I have taken part in a variety of administrative tasks such as departmental program planning, student counseling, seminar organization, etc. In addition, I actively supervised the students' medication creation projects utilizing natural products. I have completed my Doctor of Philosophy Degree (Ph.D.) on Cell Biology at the Institute of Biophysics, CAS, China with the help of UCAS Scholarship, where my research was highlighted on the tumor recurrence mainly depends on lower CD8+ T cells/Tregs in the tumor microenvironment. Using PEG-PE micelle-based vaccinations in conjunction with radiation therapy to produce a robust immune response and long-lasting cure in mice with solid tumors has been the focus of my Ph.D. study. This work provides insight into the best times and orders to combine vaccination with radiation therapy to affect the tumor's immune microenvironment. Throughout my Ph.D. program, I have worked with a number of tools and approaches to better understand the interactions between cancer cells and their surrounding microenvironment, such as flow cytometry, advanced imaging, mRNA isolation, cell culture, and mouse cell inoculation. Prior to my PhD, I also joined the medicinal chemistry lab at the University of Zagreb, Croatia, as an exchange master's student sponsored by Experts4Asia Scholarship, where I explored the use of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to investigate CYP3A4 drug-drug interactions. My research aims to explore novel anti-cancer agents and clarify how cancer affects tumor growth. In order to enhance patient outcomes, I also want to ascertain the best time and mode of action for these inhibitors and apply my research into clinical settings.

Research Interests

  • Phytochemistry and Pharmacology
  • Cancer Biology
  • Immunology

Current Research Works




      Research Works

      • Gastrointestinal Cancer Classification by Symptomatology and Gene Expression Data Using Machine Learning, Authors: Islam T, Khanam B, Sultana F, Ghosh K. P, Ahmed M. K, Barman A.K, Conference: 6th IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 5.0, 2025, URL:
      • Anti-allergic potentials of Ceriops decandra leaves in TDI-induced allergic mice: Comprehensive in-vivo and in-silico studies, Authors: Dey A, Rani S, Acharyya R. N, Barman A. K, Ahmed K. H, Biswas N. N, Dev S, Journal: Phytomedicine Plus, Volume: 5, Year: 2025, Article ID: 100670, URL:
      • Antioxidant, Xanthine oxidase (XO) Inhibitory, Hypouricemic Effect Evaluation and GCMS Analysis of Ethanolic Extract of Piper chaba Stem: Supported by in vitro, in vivo, and molecular docking experiments, Authors: Rahman S, Hridy U. K, Alam M, Begum R, Hossain M. A, Sarkar K. K, Kamalesh S, Barman A. K*, Biswas N*, Journal: Phytomedicine Plus, Volume: 2024(4), Article ID: 100652, URL:
      • Assessing anti-oxidant, antidiabetic potential and GCMS profiling of ethanolic root bark extract of Zanthoxylum rhetsa (Roxb.) DC: Supported by in vitro, in vivo and in silico molecular modeling, Authors: Barman A. K, Mahadi S, Hossain M. A, Begum R, Acharyya R. N, Alam M, Rahman M. H, Biswas N. N, Hossain M. A, Journal: PloS One, Volume: 19(8), Article ID: e0304521, URL:
      • Sedentary Lifestyle and Prospective Health Risks: A Pilot Study Among Bangladeshi Corporate Professionals, Authors: Papry F. A, Tishe Z. H, Zahid M. Z, Barman A. K, Shill M. C, Journal: Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Journal, Volume: 27(1), Pages: 73-84, DOI:
      • Antiallergic activity of Amoora cucullata Roxb bark extract and profiling of its polyphenolic compounds: In-vivo and in-silico studies, Authors: Mahmud I, Acharyya R. N, Paul A, Risha M. A, Barman A. K, Biswas N. N, Dev S, Das A. K, Journal: Pharm Sci Asia, Volume: 50(4), Pages: 317-330, DOI: 10.29090/psa.2023.04.23.347
      • Evaluation of toxicological, anti-allergic and neuropharmacological activities of Bridelia stipularis: In-vivo and in-silico studies, Authors: Acharyya R. N, Mitra K, Md. Risha M. A. M, Hasan M. F, Barman A. K, Karmakar U. K, Dev S, Das A. K, Journal: Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies, Volume: 10(4), Pages: 113-123, URL:
      • Optimal combination treatment regimens of vaccine and radiotherapy augment tumor-bearing host immunity, Authors: Zhang F*, Zheng Z*, Barman A. K*, Wang Z, Wang L, Zeng W, Yan Qin Y, Pandey A, Zhang C, Liang W, Journal: Communications Biology, Volume: 4, Article ID: 78, URL:
      • Evaluation of Antidiabetic Potential of Extract of Sonneratia caseolaris (L.) Engl. Leaves against Alloxan-Induced Diabetes in Mice, Authors: Barman A. K*, Ahmed T, Das H, Biswas B, Ali M. S, Acharyya R.N, Sarkar K. K, Dev D, Journal: Trop J Nat Prod Res, Volume: 5(1), Pages: 77-83, URL:
      • Pharmacological study of antioxidant, antibacterial, and cytotoxic activity of Ludwigia adscendens L., Authors: Barman A. K, Sarkara K. K, Kha B, Karmakar U. K, Das A. K, Biswas N. N, Journal: KU Studies, Volume: 15(1), Pages: 23-36, URL:
      • Naringenin ameliorates radiation-induced lung injury by lowering IL-1B level, Authors: Zhang C, Zeng B, Yao Y, Wang L, Barman A. K, Yin Z, Zhang F, Zhang C, Song Q, Liang W, Journal: Pharmaceutical Research, Volume: 366(2), Pages: 341-348, URL:
      • Study of antioxidant potential, and quantification of major polyphenols in Leonurus sibiricus L. leaves using HPLC, Authors: Barman A. K., Murshid G. M, Saifuzzaman, M, Mahaldar, K, Bojić, M, Biswas, NN, Journal: Pharmacologyonline, Volume: 1, Pages: 55-67, URL:
      • Phytochemical and Pharmacological Evaluation of Leaves of Averrhoa carambola Linn., Authors: Hossain T, Barman A. K, Karmakar U. K., Bokshi B, Dev S, Biswas N. N, Journal: Biosci Bioeng Commun, Volume: 3(1), Pages: 144-151, URL:
      • Analgesic, anthelmintic and toxicity studies of Solanum violaceum Linn. Leaves, Authors: Mahaldar K, Saifuzzaman M, Irin T, Barman A. K, Islam MK, Rahman MM, Islam MA, Journal: Orient Pharm Exp Med, Volume: 16, Pages: 147–152, URL:
      • Antioxidant capacity and HPLC analysis of strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.) leaves, Authors: Maleš ž, Febiancic P, Barman A.K, gregov i, Bojic M, Journal: Farmaceutski glasnik, Volume: 10(71), URL:
      • Ethnomedicinal survey of various communities residing in Garo Hills of Durgapur, Bangladesh, Authors: Khan M. A, Islam M.K, Siraj M. A, Saha S, Barman A.K, Awang K, Rahman M.M, Shilpi J. A, Jahan R, Islam E, Rahmatullah M, Journal: Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, Volume: 11, Article ID: 44, URL:
      • Evaluation of antioxidant, analgesic, and cytotoxic activities of Cassia sophera L. (Caesalpiniaceae), Authors: Murshid G. M. M, Barman A. K, Rahman M. M, Journal: International Journal of Phytopharmacology, Volume: 5(5), Pages: 383-389, URL:
      • Pharmacological and Ethnomedicinal overview of Heritiera fomes: Future Prospects, Authors: Mahmud I, Islam M. K, Saha S, Barman A. K, Rahman M. M, Anisuzzman M, Rahman T, Al-Nahain A, Jahan R, Rahmatullah M, Journal: International Scholarly Research Notices, Volume: 12, URL:
      • Bioactivity studies on Barringtonia racemosa (lam.) Bark, Authors: Saha S, Sarkar K. K, Hossain M. L, Hossin A, Barman A. K, Ahmed M.I, Sadhu S.K, Journal: Pharmacologyonline, Volume: 1, Pages: 93-100, URL:


      • Mahadi S, Khanam B, Ghosh K. P, Barman A. K*. Assessing anti-oxidant, antidiabetic potential and GCMS profiling of ethanolic root bark extract of Zanthoxylum rhetsa (Roxb.) DC: Supported by in vitro, in vivo and in silico molecular modeling. 3rd international conference on advancement of life sciences 2025, Page 257 (Poster Presentation).
      • Barman A. K*, Zhang F, Zheng Z, Liang W. Optimal Combination Treatment Regimens of Vaccine and Radiotherapy Boost Tumor-bearing Host Immunity: A Way to Clinical Study. International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences-2023. (Oral Presentation)
      • Barman A. K*, Ahad F.M, Biswas B, Kundu P, Golder M, Acharyya R.N, Comparative Pharmacologic Profiles of Leaves of two Mangrove Plant Species – Ceriops decandra (Griff.) and Ceriops tagal (Perr.). PSE-NPS 2020 Summit, 2019, Khulna University, Bangladesh (Oral Presentation)
      • Barman A. K*, Zhang F, Zheng Z, Zhang C, Liang W. Vaccination followed by radiotherapy enhances tumor-bearing host immunity by augmenting CD8/Tregs ratio. International Conference on Drug Discovery and Development-2022 (Oral Presentation).
      • Islam T, Khanam B, Sultana F, Ghosh K. P, Ahmed M. K, Barman A.K. Gastrointestinal Cancer Classification by Symptomatology and Gene Expression Data Using Machine Learning. 6th IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 5.0 (STI 2024 submission 0667, Poster).
      • Saha B, Hridy U, Begum R, Acharyya R, Hossain M, Barman A. K*. GC-MS Profiling, Pharmacological Insights and In-Silico Studies of Ethanol Root Extract of Coriandrum sativum (L.). International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacy Practice, and Traditional Medicines. Poster number-15 (Poster).
      • Saha T, Rafi S, Barman A. K.* GC-MS Profiling and Pharmacological Study of Sonneratia caseolaris (L.) Engl. Leaves Extract- a Mangrove Plant, Bangladesh. International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacy Practice, and Traditional Medicines. Poster number-25 (Poster).
      • Rahman S, Rafi S, Hossain A, Rahman H, Kar R, Barman A. K.* Anti-oxidant and Anti-diabetic Potential of Coriandrum sativum (L.) Extract: An In Silico, In Vitro and In Vivo Studies. International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences-2023. Conference book, p: 46 (Poster)
      • Saha T, Saha B, Hridy U. K, Barman A. K*, Pre-clinical Phytochemical and Pharmacological Study of Sonneratia caseolaris (L.) Engl. Leaves Extract- a Mangrove Plant, Bangladesh. International Conference on Drug Discovery and Development-2022. Conference book, p: 86 (Poster)

      Professional Experience

      R. P. Shaha University


      Assistant Professor


      Awards and Honors

      UCAS Scholarship

      Organization: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

      Location: China


      Organization: Erasmus Mundus

      Location: Europe

      Academic Qualifications

      • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Cell Biology

        Institute of Biophysics, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

        Beijing, China

      • Master's Thesis (Part) in Drug Research and Development

        University of Zagreb

        Zagreb, Croatia

      • Master of Pharmacy

        Khulna University

        Khulna, Bangladesh

      • Bachelor of Pharmacy

        Khulna University

        Khulna, Bangladesh