Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement.
Plagiarism shall arise under the following circumstances:Plagiarism arises when someone fails to acknowledge that the ideas or work of others are being used without citing and referencing the original source, which includes:
a. Paraphrasing and presenting the work or ideas of another (including the work of another student) as one’s own. This could involve:
1. copying work either in whole or in part
2. fabricating references or using incorrect references
b. Using statistics, figures, tables, diagrams. questionnaires, designs, computer codes or images as their own work (i.e., without crediting the original source)
c. Phrases and passages are used verbatim without quotation marks and/or without a reference to the author or a web page
d. Reproducing lecture notes without proper acknowledgement.
a. Unfair Means” is an illegal act and indulge in disorderly conduct at or in connection with examinations by students.
b. Candidate” means an examinee sitting in examination.
c. Examination” means any examination, admission test, midterm, final, quizzes, assignments, dissertations or thesis practical, which are considered as part of assessment/evaluation by the instructor while awarding grades or pass in a subject.
d. Committee” means Disciplinary committee.
e. Student” means RPSU students or applicant for RPSU
1. During examination time having any or all of the following in possession or access to-
a. Any paper, book, note or any other unauthorized material which has relevance to the syllabus of the examination paper concerned.
b. Mobile Phones or any electronic gadget other than calculator, even in switched off mode, which can potentially be used for communication or copying.
c. Anything written on any other instrument or any kind of furniture or any other substance which may have relevance to the syllabus of the examination paper concerned.
d. Anything written or signs made on the body of the candidate or his/her clothes/garments, handkerchief etc. which may have relevance to the syllabus of the examination paper concerned.
e. Anything written on the question paper which may have relevance to the syllabus of the examination paper concerned.
2. Giving or receiving assistance in answering the question papers to or from any other candidate/person in the examination hall or outside during the examination hours.
3. Talking to another candidate or any unauthorized person inside or outside the examination room during the examination hours without the permission of the invigilating staff.
4. Swallowing or attempting to swallow or destroying or attempting to destroy a note or paper or any other material.
5. Impersonating any candidate or getting impersonated by any person for taking the examination.
1. Students must bring with them both their Identity Card and the valid Admit Card when entering the examination hall. Without these, students will not be allowed to sit for the examination.
2. Students will be allowed to the Examination Hall/Room 15 minutes before the commencement of an examination. The seating position will be allocated and students are required to comply with instructions given by the invigilators.
3. No communication between students is allowed once the students enter the Examination Hall/Room.
4. Students may place their bags and belongings (including mobile phones and wallets) in the area designated by the invigilator (usually in the front of the Examination Hall/Room). No belongings should be left outside the Examination Hall/Room.
5. Students will be allowed into the Examination Hall/Room up to one (1) hour after the start of the final examination and half (½) an hour of the midterm examination. No extra time will be given to latecomers for any reason.
6. Students who arrive after 1 Hours of the appointed /published time will not be allowed to enter the examination hall.
7. Mobile phone, books, sheets of paper, handouts, notes, correction fluid, programmable calculators or those with storage capabilities, etc. cannot be carried into the examination hall.
8. During examination students can use simple or scientific calculator except programmable calculators or those with text, symbolic or graphic capabilities.
9. Each student should bring his/her own writing stationery as students are not allowed to share their stationery.
10. Students can, if necessary, use a transparent pencil box/pouch to carry pencils, pens, erasers or any other geometrical instruments.
11. Students who are not in proper attire will not be allowed to attend the examination
12. As the invigilator collects the dockets, the invigilator will request each student to initial against their names on the Student Exam Attendance Sheet.
13. Students are not allowed to leave the Examination Hall/Room for going to the washroom during the first hour and the final half an hour before the end of the examination. Students who need to go to the washroom must obtain the permission from the invigilator on duty and only one student at a time is permitted to go to the washroom. Students are not allowed to carry any writing materials and personal belonging including mobile phone and wallet to the washroom.
14. Students are allowed to leave if they finish early, but not during the first one (1) hour of the Final examination and half (½) an hour of the midterm examination.
15. When the invigilator announces that time is up (based on the clock in the examination hall), no further work by the student is permitted.
16. Students must fill-in the relevant details on the front cover of the Examination Answer Booklets, and tie any additional answer sheets (used to write answers on) to the Examination Answer Booklets. Students must fill in their docket numbers, title of examination and question numbers clearly on the Examination Answer Booklets and additional answer sheets.
17. Students must remain in their seats until the invigilator has completely collected all the examination material. Students may leave the Examination Hall/Room quietly when instructed by the invigilator.
18. At the end of the examination, the invigilators will collect the Examination Answer Scripts, Question Papers and all used and unused papers. Examinees will not be allowed to remove or taken with any type of exam related papers from the exam hall until they are allowed to leave while invigilators complete collecting all the Answer Scripts and Question Papers.
Disciplinary Committee
Composition and Accountability of Committee: According to the Private University Act 2010 under section -28.
Rules of Procedure at MeetingsThe Committee Chairman shall run meetings in his/her discretion, with reference to the following principles:
a. The Chairman will prepare and circulate an agenda in advance of each meeting.
b.Committee decisions will be arrived at among those present at the meeting.
c. Committee will keep record of meetings and relevant documents.
d. All such cases shall be reported to the Academic Council through Vice chancellor in its subsequent meeting.
Plagiarism is a serious academic offence. If students caught plagiarizing may face either academic or disciplinary consequences like unfair means. If found guilty of plagiarism, it may result in the following:
a. A failing grade of an assignment or course
b. Suspension from the university for a period of time
c. Permanent expulsion from the university
d. Any other punishment deems suitable by the committee.
If students caught unfair means and break any examinations rules, any punishments may be awarded according to the gravity of the offence as think fit by the Committee. Implementation of punishments related to unfair means and serious examination offences during exams as decided by the Disciplinary Committee should be expeditiously carried out. Jurisdictions for various levels are determined for different levels of offences during examinations.
Standardization in punishments will be made as detailed below:I. Level 1 to be implemented by the invigilator,
II. Decisions, on Levels 2 and 3 can only be taken by the Disciplinary Committee on report of invigilator.
Levels | Offences | Disciplinary Action | Authority |
Level-1 | 1. Communication with one another (whispering / talking, glancing / looking / staring / responding to others' whispers and assisting others in looking at answer script) 2. Talking while outside the examination hall/room when allowed to go to washroom 3. Exchanging of personal items like calculators etc. without the permission of the invigilator | Verbal warning, change of positions | Invigilator |
Level-2 | 1. Possession of examination-related matters including various devices meant for resorting to unfair means 2. Writing on any other place other than the answer script provided 3. Using mobile phones / electronic devices with the intention of unfair means 4. Substituting or addition to answer script without lawful authority 5. Exchanging answer scripts during examination 6. Replacing the cover or any page of the answer script 7. Replacing answer script with other scripts not distributed for the exam (e.g. prepared at home / in class) 8. Smuggling of script into or out of the examination hall/room 9. Creating obstruction or disturbance inside the examination hall/room 10. Any unfair means done by students 11. Any examinations rules break by students | 1. Cancellation of the concerned examination / ("F" grade shall be given) 2. Suspension for the next trimester/semester 3. Not allowed to use any facility of the university during this time or 4. Expulsion from the University | Disciplinary Committee |
Level-3 | 1. Assault or attempt to assault the invigilator or anyone in the examination hall/room 2. Using abusive language, or holding threats to the invigilator(s) or any person in the examination hall/room 3. Impersonation at the examination 4. Damaging furniture / equipment etc. in the examination hall/room/university premises or trying to set fire on such valuables in the examination hall/room/university premises | Expulsion from the University | Disciplinary Committee |
Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement.
Plagiarism shall arise under the following circumstances:Plagiarism arises when someone fails to acknowledge that the ideas or work of others are being used without citing and referencing the original source, which includes:
a. Paraphrasing and presenting the work or ideas of another (including the work of another student) as one’s own. This could involve:
1. copying work either in whole or in part
2. fabricating references or using incorrect references
b. Using statistics, figures, tables, diagrams. questionnaires, designs, computer codes or images as their own work (i.e., without crediting the original source)
c. Phrases and passages are used verbatim without quotation marks and/or without a reference to the author or a web page
d. Reproducing lecture notes without proper acknowledgement.